
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Blessed Beyond Belief-Update On Leah's 21 for 21

For those that do not know what Leah's 21 for 21 is please click on the tab. It all started back in October when I was starting to think what I wanted to do for my 21st Birthday. God laid it on my heart to do something special & bigger than I had ever done before! So friends & family spread the word near & far about my Birthday wish to raise $21,000. We did not reach that goal but with the encouragement of my friends & family I have continued on that path to reach that goal! I'm praying to reach it by the end of this year (my 21st year)! Originally my wish for the two orphans I love but at the moment they are unable to receive donations so I chose to instead help other orphans & families while I wait for their country to reopen. Heres the update as of now we have $16,288.56 to go before we reach that goal! I think I originally did my Math wrong so I appologize. In almost 4 months we have raised $4,711.44 for 2 orphans with families & 3 without!!! WOW WAY TO GO GOD!!!! I want to say a HUGE THANKS TO ALL MY FRIENDS & FAMILY WHO HAVE MADE THAT HAPPEN!!! Looking forward to whats to come for Leah's 21 for 21!! I am hoping to do some more fundraisers including our 1st Leah's 21 campaign change drive! Awhile back I did one for Celine which brought in $220 & I want to double that! 
If you would like to donate now to my campaign make a donation towards Brandi (53) grant either to the donation box on the right & leave a comment letting me know you did! 
Thanks for your love & support!

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