
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Choosing another

Since I started advocating, God has lead me one way or another to each orphan I have helped.
For Quinton it was the expression in his eyes that wanted me to help & the fact of sharing a Birthday, (He is doing well at Home with his family!)
Celines bright smile took my breath away
For Cora Lynne, she needed a Angel Tree Warrior I saw the same desperation in her eyes like Quinton.
Alden, needed someone to pray for him & I wanted to pray for a boy.
Brandi, came in an unexpected way that could only be explained by God.
Carmen, though I never have fundraised or advocated much for her I wanted to pray for her.
And Lastly precious Heath whose family found him recently. Julia's blogposts added to the fact when I saw a brief period of quietness of advocating for Heath that I just knew I wanted him to be added to benefit from the Lost get found Giveaway. 
This time was different compared to other times. Choosing another to Love & advocate for was not on my radar. I was still heartbroken over the ban in R & barely coming into the light again fundraising for Brandi. I posted on my Facebook, that how do I choose when I feel like I'm betraying or loosing hope on the Girls. I wanted to kick & scream, NO I DON'T WANT TO but yet I knew I wanted to help another who has that extra chromosome like my sister as part of my 21 for 21 project. Before this all happened I was overwhelmed (still am!) how many need help & decided I was not going to choose anymore to help while I focussed on the girls. I knew which category of special need I wanted I just did not know what age. As I scrolled page after page in that category, none really called to me. I was unsure if I was going to be able to find another that was what I was looking for to help or that I would feel the same feeling when I found all the others I have advocated for. But then I saw this Beautiful girls smile & it reminded me of Celine. I could not turn my eyes away from precious Maria so even through my pain I said yes I need to advocate, pray, & fundraise for her.
Though this precious girl was older than Celine & her grant is currently $10 I knew my same mission as I have done with Brandi & Cora Lynne. Little by Little we will get her there!
I think I need some "sunshine" again to brighten & remind me that all orphans need Love. LOOSING HOPE IS FOR QUITERS & I'M NOT GONNA BE ONE!!! ADMIST STRUGGLES BEAUTY WILL RISE!!
Maria, thanks for reminding me about Love & teaching me that I'm just on a different twist of this path God has laid out. 
He knows the plan of all the R orphans & I'm continuing to pray the best for them whatever that may be!

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