
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Torn in many ways

Sometimes I am just torn for words, what title truly fits what I feel right now? Anxious for any word on discussions between Russia & US Governments regarding adoptions. Excited on many fronts at all these older kids finding families, seeing the JBF funds now reflected in Brandi's (53) grant, & the second sevenly shirt campaign going on this week with Maria being one of the older orphans that benefit but yet I'm still sad & slight jealous I do admit that all these kids who have been strongly advocated for keeping finding families yet Celine has to wait. I have not had much time to blog & I just don't have anything else to say right now not to mention who knows if anyone reads this blog anymore.

Recently, I celebrated a year of God calling me to help Brandi. If you read my posts I had mentioned another girl who was listed before the special needs list came out in another Eastern Europe country that my friend was in love with. Well, I am pleased to say SHE IS ALIVE & HAS BEEN RELISTED as she has reached the age where the list does not affect her! I have chosen yet another to advocate for! :)
Meet Zinnia,
Is she not precious or what? At RISK OF TRANSFER SOON!!! At least while I wait for news I can focus on my "new daughters" but still its hard. No, I am not replacing all my "children" I advocate for in R****a but in the meantime I try the best I can to help children most in need.
Please share these girls so they can find their forever families!
And Maria who benefits from this weeks Sevenly sales!
Be sure if you have not already check out the awesome stuff available this week from sevenly!!! AND DON'T FORGET TO KEEP PRAYING FOR RUSSIA!!

1 comment:

  1. feeling the same about many kids...deserving of a family and yet they are just stuck!!!

    Love Maria!!!!
