
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back to the grind|Reeces Rainbow

Lately I have not been much in a blogging mood. Nothing has changed much in R & I just felt like it was a good time to take a breather. Thinking of changing the blog header & going to try to figure out some new text styles & colors cause frankly I am getting tired of the same old thing. 

Two Little girls still wait for their families to find them. Is it you?

Somedays I wonder, & wonder what could of been. Why did I decide to pray & advocate for 3 children who just happened  to be in R? Why did "Shooting star girl" have to be in a region most difficult & country most expensive? How can their have been so many to Love her but none were to be her parents? Why did her regions door reopen then later the door to her country come crumbling down? Why has a miracle not happened? But then I think about it, & God tells me no matter what happens it's his plan for their lives. 
Two years ago next Month I found my Passion for Special Needs orphans, it started with two faces I saw on Reece's Rainbow after I followed a blog. I'm so greatful to God that even though just one of the original kids I have advocated for is home, I know many more will soon be home. I don't know what I would do without the daily reminder to keep going. Every time I see precious Quintons picture I'm reminded of the reason I started advocating & not to give up. 

Thank you God for the supportive & loving friends I have that have made these past few years so worth it!! I could never do anything without their prayers & encouragement to keep going. In the meantime I keep praying & trusting in your plan for my life & "my daughters & son in my heart".
If your still reading please be patient & keep me in your prayers as I try hard to fight the devils strings of holding me back in "the dark hole" as he keeps trying to keep me from blogging about what I love to do by advocating for the least of these. It's been tough ever since the ban & I'm trusting that God's got this. Will it ever change the fact of being sad, mad about it? Of course not & though I love these kids no child will never have that same bond I felt with Celine & Cora Lynne. I'm thankful that one of them in a "nice" place & has a Friend to enjoy but still wishing they can be in families. 

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