
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Love redeems

Tonight I had the pleasure of welcoming home 2 cuties home from China. I got to see their sister, Hannah welcomed home from China in 2010 & I was so glad I got to see these two join the Bernard family. This family goes to my church & we know them well. They Homeschool, we carpooled when my brothers attended a private christian school, & they now have us beat by 4 kids LOL. 
Is this finally them? we kept trying to guess the tram they would be on lol. Edited cause of camera setting was not on so I tried to brighten it best as possible.
They are here!

I edited this photo to get the close up view of that Love. Luke is in one of his sisters arms looking at his Mom. Katie is in Moms arms.
                 Poor boy completely exhausted 
                    Glad to have their Mom back
                  Checking out my new siblings
Will add the photo with the poster I made later.
For Now Welcome home Bernard family & may you be blessed in the years to come! I have been amazed by how much Hannah has changed & can't wait to see the progress these two will make!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being there, Leah! And thanks for the coloring books! :)
