
Monday, July 15, 2013

Overfilled with Joy

Where do I begin about the blessed week I have had this past week? It all began Monday with hundreds of kids learning about God at our church VBS "Kingdom Rock". This year I was blessed with 3 awesome JR workers & 4 amazing preschool girls. Monday & Tuesday were great way to start the week. Don't get me wrong I love that the kids were connected with the jr workers but honestly like I was doing nothing but be there so Tuesday I was praying & I said God Please let be more useful. He answered my prayers thankfully all 4 kids stayed & I was able to comfort some kids. I don't know I get this feeling that it takes awhile for kids to warm up to me cause I'm not just a jump up & down personality plus my crew this year were quiet/shy for at least the first few days or more. By the end of Wednesday I knew these girls were more comfortable with me. Every year at VBS on Thursday "Spiritual Thursday" we talk about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins & his Resurrection. It's a very serious point of VBS during the week. So this year, I thought I'm going to cry during the skit of Jesus dying for us & that's it. Little did I know God was about to stir in my heart in a mighty way. All during the skit at the finale I had tears in my eyes & shivers on my arms. I was feeling moved but I was just unclear as to what felt different & why I was feeling this way. As they sung "Here is our king" & the part about coming back to Jesus I felt like he was answering me in this way. Thursday before bed I prayed to rededicate my life & all Friday No one knew thoughts of getting Baptized again was on my mind. Later Friday, I texted my dear friend Mischel about the possibility of getting Baptized. For you see I had gotten Baptized at Camp Barnabas in 2007 in the camp pool but I felt like I wanted to rededicate my life for Christ & this time in front of my church family & family. My sister, Sarah was the only one who saw me baptized the first time. Saturday night we both chatted for a few minutes about where my heart was & all what I have been feeling. I will always remember this conversation & cherish it :). Let me explain I had been feeling like I was not being the Christian I should be lately & that I was being a bad example not visibly shown. So I wanted to take this step to recommitting myself to God (I was saved when I was 9-10 years old) & to Live for his Glory. I once felt empty like I was not learning or grasping it fully now I'm filled over abundantly & very excited that my awesome friend, Mischel is available to Baptize me in 3 weeks on August 4th. I'm excited, nervous, & sad all at the same time as it will be our last sunday at our church before we move to KY :(. But as I have learned this week God is helping me to Stand Strong! Thank you God for the blessing of friends & for an amazing life changing filled week at VBS! 

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