
Monday, July 22, 2013

When saying see ya later is hard

A new adventure awaits but the hardest part about it is how do you say "see ya later" to 8 yrs of blessed friendships, wonderful church, the kids I have watched grow, & the ministry of volunteering at the pregnancy center that I have enjoyed immensely? Letting go of what you call your "baby" there? When we moved to CA all I wanted to do was change back the clock to my friends there. I was shy & thought I would never make any friends here. Boy was I wrong! I have made more closer friendships here than any other place I have lived at. 

And I guess that's why I have mixed feelings. Yes, I'm happy for my dads new job in KY, our new house, & being closer to some online friends I'm dying to meet but yet I'm sad for the "loss" of friends I will feel. The next two weeks as we pack & prepare to move are sure to be emotional but I know Gods got us in his hands & has a plan for us there even if I don't see it yet. These have been the best years of my life & I know I have grown up maturity wise & spiritually. 

What I have learned is not to say "It's the worst day ever" on every occassion as you just never know what God has in store for you. California was the best 8 years & day ever! 
I would have never had memories such as these, From being brave to be in Beauty in the Beast jr play as a Narator/Baker. 
To finding a new passion & holding those babes in your arms
Lastly to the friends who support you no matter how crazy your idea for your 21st Birthday is.
And so many more!
To all my friends little or tall, I love being your friend & will always be your friend no matter the time zone or distance can make.

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