
Sunday, August 25, 2013

When Life takes you to the Unexpected

Well, I probably don't have anymore readers so I'm not missed in the likely. It's just not the same blogging anymore & I'm just not the same level of advocating I once was. I just can't seem to do anything but think of the country I love everytime I blog. My heart was touched & no matter if I advocate for other kids I still can't stop thinking of all the kids stuck. I guess that's why I don't blog as often as I use to. Nothing against other countries or other kids waiting I just know God has touched a special spot in my heart for Russia. Maybe cause my parents & sister have been there. I feel like I don't want to blog cause all I'm doing is saying the same thing over & over repeating myself. 

Life has certainly been taking me to the Unexpected lately. If you read my previous post about see ya later, you read of our move to KY. If you had told me 8 years ago I would make some of the best friends I ever will have, an awesome church that taught me so much, but then say Goodbye I probably would have started running the opposite direction to avoid it being so hard. I have said this over & over the reason why this move has been the toughest as I Never had many Close friends before. This year, has been the year of the unexpected that's for sure. I did not expect to move out of state 1 year & 1/2 after we had moved from our previous house in the same town. I was not expecting to cross another state off my "See all 50 states" bucket list. I would never thought my faith would grow like never before during VBS & after. So much that my Life was changed all over again that I would take another leap of faith to conquer my fears of shyness by getting Baptized again but this time in front of my church home. (will write about that later)

Though Life takes you to & through the unexpected it's about the moments God gifts you that truly Matters. The friends he places in your lives, the sacrifices, & the blessings, they may be unexpected but the truth is they are all there for a reason. You may not know why he places you through it but he does have great things in store. 

I think God is giving me this season in my life so I can take the time to enjoy the simple & little things he has blessed me with that others might not get the chance to enjoy. I have become so hooked & it's much easier to do facebook or instagram for advocating that I have not had much reason to blog. I'm not the greatest blogger writer & I don't blame anyone for not wanting to read this. God gives me various seasons & right now blogging is not what God wants from me. I need to keep my eyes focused on him so I'm starting to say I need to put him first then myself & others. Social Media can be a great thing but it also tempts you away from time with God & that is something I feel I need to work on. Thankfully my friend recommended a free app of the bible/devotional called Youversion & I first started listening along to it cause my eyes get tired & it's hard for me to process things but then I have just started reading it & I find it more enjoyable. 

As you can tell sometimes my words just are not written together well but that's okay. 
I will be in & out of blogging, I might not be writing about orphans all the time but this is my blog & I want to write what God puts on my heart to write about. It might not have been quite what I wanted to put into words but it's okay cause God knows what I wrote is what might have needed to be said.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the Plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future.

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