
Monday, July 22, 2013

When saying see ya later is hard

A new adventure awaits but the hardest part about it is how do you say "see ya later" to 8 yrs of blessed friendships, wonderful church, the kids I have watched grow, & the ministry of volunteering at the pregnancy center that I have enjoyed immensely? Letting go of what you call your "baby" there? When we moved to CA all I wanted to do was change back the clock to my friends there. I was shy & thought I would never make any friends here. Boy was I wrong! I have made more closer friendships here than any other place I have lived at. 

And I guess that's why I have mixed feelings. Yes, I'm happy for my dads new job in KY, our new house, & being closer to some online friends I'm dying to meet but yet I'm sad for the "loss" of friends I will feel. The next two weeks as we pack & prepare to move are sure to be emotional but I know Gods got us in his hands & has a plan for us there even if I don't see it yet. These have been the best years of my life & I know I have grown up maturity wise & spiritually. 

What I have learned is not to say "It's the worst day ever" on every occassion as you just never know what God has in store for you. California was the best 8 years & day ever! 
I would have never had memories such as these, From being brave to be in Beauty in the Beast jr play as a Narator/Baker. 
To finding a new passion & holding those babes in your arms
Lastly to the friends who support you no matter how crazy your idea for your 21st Birthday is.
And so many more!
To all my friends little or tall, I love being your friend & will always be your friend no matter the time zone or distance can make.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Overfilled with Joy

Where do I begin about the blessed week I have had this past week? It all began Monday with hundreds of kids learning about God at our church VBS "Kingdom Rock". This year I was blessed with 3 awesome JR workers & 4 amazing preschool girls. Monday & Tuesday were great way to start the week. Don't get me wrong I love that the kids were connected with the jr workers but honestly like I was doing nothing but be there so Tuesday I was praying & I said God Please let be more useful. He answered my prayers thankfully all 4 kids stayed & I was able to comfort some kids. I don't know I get this feeling that it takes awhile for kids to warm up to me cause I'm not just a jump up & down personality plus my crew this year were quiet/shy for at least the first few days or more. By the end of Wednesday I knew these girls were more comfortable with me. Every year at VBS on Thursday "Spiritual Thursday" we talk about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins & his Resurrection. It's a very serious point of VBS during the week. So this year, I thought I'm going to cry during the skit of Jesus dying for us & that's it. Little did I know God was about to stir in my heart in a mighty way. All during the skit at the finale I had tears in my eyes & shivers on my arms. I was feeling moved but I was just unclear as to what felt different & why I was feeling this way. As they sung "Here is our king" & the part about coming back to Jesus I felt like he was answering me in this way. Thursday before bed I prayed to rededicate my life & all Friday No one knew thoughts of getting Baptized again was on my mind. Later Friday, I texted my dear friend Mischel about the possibility of getting Baptized. For you see I had gotten Baptized at Camp Barnabas in 2007 in the camp pool but I felt like I wanted to rededicate my life for Christ & this time in front of my church family & family. My sister, Sarah was the only one who saw me baptized the first time. Saturday night we both chatted for a few minutes about where my heart was & all what I have been feeling. I will always remember this conversation & cherish it :). Let me explain I had been feeling like I was not being the Christian I should be lately & that I was being a bad example not visibly shown. So I wanted to take this step to recommitting myself to God (I was saved when I was 9-10 years old) & to Live for his Glory. I once felt empty like I was not learning or grasping it fully now I'm filled over abundantly & very excited that my awesome friend, Mischel is available to Baptize me in 3 weeks on August 4th. I'm excited, nervous, & sad all at the same time as it will be our last sunday at our church before we move to KY :(. But as I have learned this week God is helping me to Stand Strong! Thank you God for the blessing of friends & for an amazing life changing filled week at VBS!