
Sunday, October 6, 2013

One Year ago:Saving Celine

One Year ago today, my prayers had been answered unexpectedly in a what I call a God story! My friend Patti wrote this post which would be one of the best moments I ever had with advocating. 
Heres my thoughts from this day last year on my facebook:
Speechless,did not expect or see this coming!
I wrote this post on my blog.
Today I wrote this on my facebook:
One Year ago, today God answered my prayer in an amazing way by offering a matching grant & a Giveaway for my darling Celine when I least expected it. I had raised $104 & wanted to do a match on my own but was not having much luck. Turns out he had bigger plans for that money & that girl. Even though the plan turned out much different then planned I'm truly thankful for the person who offered the match & giveaway prize, & my pal, Patti who lead the giveaway on her blog. Tears as I think about what was suppose to be Saving Celine but turned into saving 3 other girls. I remember the "thousands" Jk lol of people tagging me to make sure I knew as they know how much I love her. I remember the moment my jaw was dropped open as I saw the blogpost about the Giveaway & the tears I shed. Celine, thinking of the miracles that happened this month makes me sad for you but I sure pray you will find a family one way or the other, which ever country.

As I reflect back, I hurt for the girl who felt like my daughter. I long for her to find a family where ever that may be. Precious Princess, I'm greatful that your gift is being used to help 3 girls, one of which whose family will be on their way soon.
Love you always & forever!

Thank you again Patti, for being awesome by running the Giveaway last year & being such a good support when I was advocating for Celine as well as Cora Lynne. You encouraged me on the days I needed to hear it. I want to thank the donor who made it possible, even though the plan turned out differently for this girl you made the difference for 3 other orphans without realizing it.
Happy but sad for this 1 year anniversary but I know God used it for his glory!
Please go signup for my Prayer for the Russia event on fb if your on there or feel free to comment saying you will be praying!

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