The Happy Ending, Meeting Quinton

What title truly begins to grasp of finally meeting Quinton? I truly thought of many but finally came to this one. 3 weeks ago, at the Reece's Rainbow Reunion at Yogi Bear Campground in Cave City, KY I met the boy I first advocated for. I was so anxious, yet excited walking down towards the pool when I saw in the corner of my eye him & his parents. I did not know if I would cry or not but yet I was overwhelmed by all the people that I just was so darn happy. I wish I had gotten that first glimpse & a few other memories on camera but I do have them in my heart. I never could have imagined I would get to meet him let alone it be in KY. I had tried to plan out a time to go visit them in NC but it just never worked out. God made this dream of mine, a reality & I'm just so thankful. I did get to treasure a ride on their golf cart with him sitting on my lap that I will cherish always. October 31, 2010 is when I first signed up to be his Christmas warrior for the 2010 Angel Tree
I did not think he would find a family so quickly & that I would ever get to meet him in this life. It's tough when things don't go as planned but this happy ending was such a joyful time! Seeing an orphan you played a small part in is always exciting & reminds you yet again all you have gone through is so worth it! Carol, Brian & Quinton it was such a blessing to have finally met you! Wish we could have had more time to visit but hope to see you next year at the Reunion! Now here's the Happy Ending so many of my friends played a part in! Thank you for helping so I can have this precious meeting! I can only say so much without tears so I will just let the picture say the rest of the words.
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