
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life in KY, a year later

One year ago, we embarked upon a journey to our new state of KY. I went through many stages of what I would describe as "grieving" & I will be completely honest it's been HARD. I wrote about my experience of how hard it was to say see ya later & & Going through the emotions was hard for me & though it's much better with less tears than when we moved here a part of me still calls CA home & it's hard when every part of me longs for all that's familiar & when I just want to rush back to my dearest girl pals I can't. It hurts, that I can't give hugs to my friends there or can't cry on their shoulders or laughing together with them, or having a group prayer with them, or be there when they are going through a rough time. My room, is just filled with memories or pictures of my friends from little to big & I look at them every time I stare at my bulletin board, or look at my dresser, or look at my bedside table, or snuggle my handmade hippo my friend made me. 
It took me so long to truly build & form these friendships, that's why I so wish plane tickets did not cost a fortune so my friends could come visit me and I could visit them.
This past year has not been easy for me & I do know it takes time forming & building those friendships. I'm getting there, & very thankful to those that have opened their doors to being my friend.
It's still not sunshine & roses all the time for me but I'm getting adjusted still & enjoying some good parts of living here. Like my fantastic room with a comfy Queen size bed & I truthfully don't know why I did not get one before. I really don't miss my unstable twin iron bed that when it slid off would scare the heck out of me not kidding. Craigslist is not huge here & the only city that has one is about hr away so for the most part we have been having good luck on swap/sale sites, yard sales, & thrift stores. Bottom corner is my room now plus just added a bench by the window.
Then their is also the fact of being so much closer to family.
Experiencing new things such as horseback riding. My boots were $3 from Goodwill, can't beat that!
Then God's unbelievable views he has created,
And wonderful photography spots in our very own backyard or front yard.

As hard as this move has been & still is to me, no matter how much I'm homesick, & my heart aches with every breath missing my friends & church family, no matter how much I long to just be a bit closer to town/city life again, all that's familiar to me I know God's got me in his Hands. I trust & know he has a plan for my life & I look forward to what else he has in store! When I'm weak, HE IS STRONG! 

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