
Monday, March 23, 2015

A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes Giveaway & WDSD 2015

Yesterday, was World Down Syndrome Day. Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21 occurs when an individual has a extra copy of the 21st chromosome. March 21st (21st chromosome) is designated World Down Syndrome Day to honor, celebrate, & bring awareness of those in our lives that just so happen to have that extra chromosome. I just so happen to adore an extraordinary girl who I Love, my sister. 
 My sister, never has wanted to be known by having Down Syndrome & I'm right there with her when I say she is just like you & me. She is a girl that loves horses,Disney,singing,acting,babies & so much more.
She has friends both with that extra Chromosome & those without but no matter what she sees them for the person they are on the inside & out no matter their age, race, gender or disability. 
My sister truly has a heart of Gold, she is always so kind when selecting the Birthday gift or Christmas gift & we all know how much love & thought went into picking out that gift. Last year for my Birthday she got me the doll above cause she knows that I love Disney Princesses just like her & picked the same style doll as hers but yet different princess. This years gift was an adorable purple bear that has a heart written with I love you on it cause she knows Purple is my favorite color. 

I love my sister & her sweet heart. So yesterday while trying to decide what should do as a Random Act of Kindness that could involve her as part of the initiative that was going around as part of World Down Syndrome Day to do an act of kindness. I was unsure if I was going to just randomly give it to some little girl or leave it somewhere for someone to find but then my mind started forming an idea to help a family adopting a child with Down Syndrome that was still short on funding. So I used the Gift card my family & friends helped me save coke points for & used an opportunity to help a family bring home their little girl. My sister, whose nickname in our family is Pink Princess went down the aisles with me & I did not tell her what we were doing, just that we were giving these items to someone else. I asked her what her favorite Disney Princess was & she said Merrida, from the movie Brave because she is a tough girl like me.
This is what my younger sister shared on her fb page that Pink Princess shared with her:
"I don't want to be known for my Down Syndrome. I want to be known because I'm tough. And I can sing."

Me-Girl, you are tough & at times even tougher than me.

As we were selecting things, things that she loves I was thinking of kiddos who might not have toys or even be allowed to play with them. Specifically since she loves Disney Princesses & we call her Pink Princess I asked her about those things but I wanted to grab one more item but not sure what to get I went over to a movie section cause I know how much she loves movies & she selected a certain favorite of hers.

So we checked out & because I wanted to post how much she helped me out with this act I pleaded with her for a photo with the selection of items. (Photos always prove a challenge for her) But out of kindness of her heart she responded to my request without too much convincing.

"Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true"

Meet the adorable Emma Grace, like my sister she has that extra chromosome. She is waiting for her family to make her wish come true. Her mama has been working hard & they have faced some challenges & are still short on funding for this sweet girls adoption. The Devil wants nothing more than for her to not come home. Well I'm here to tell you our God is stronger & can do the Impossible! Originally I had this planned for another family but praise God they got funded yesterday!

In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, my sister, & Emma Grace we Launch 
"A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes Giveaway".
Here's the prizes:
My sisters favorites is the "Grand Prize" & 3 winners will each get to select which prize they get. All other prizes will each draw a winner but no selecting.
Merrida doll
Cinderella shoes
Free Willy Movie
Cause every little girl needs a tutu to be a Princess!
Yes even teens & Mommies deserve to dress up like a pretty Princess!
Bracelets will come together as a set

And this is another set

Lastly some adorable infant headbands, one winner per headband will be chosen.
NEWLY ADDED, SOMETHING FOR TOY STORY FANS OR SOMEONE WITH A BOY. Brand New Woody doll retails originally $45
A Princess can't go without a picnic right?

Now for the details, we want to help Princess Emma Grace come home to her loving family, the Brooks
To enter our giveaway here's how it works:
Donate to their grant link listed above
$5-1 entry
$10-4 entries
$15-6 entries
$20-8 entries
1 free entry per Social Media share on FB, Twitter, & Instagram. Once you donate please forward your original donation receipt to me at
Anyone that shares please leave a comment saying you have done so. I will try to keep track via fb but it will help if you let me know you shared.
Thanks for helping now let's help Princess Emma Grace wish come true!
Giveaway will end April 15th!

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