
Friday, February 13, 2015

In Loving Memory of Mamaw

Life does not always go according to planned, I thought I would have a great Birthday celebrating with my friends. The weekend before, unexpectedly my Mamaw took a turn for the worse. We all sorta knew it was coming with her but all I wanted to do was shout not now. I prayed that we could make it in time so my Mom could be with her should she pass. Once we got there I knew that their was not much chance & that she would soon join my Grandpa in Heaven.
The next few days progressed quickly, & she entered heavens gates Feb. 3, 2015 just a day before I would celebrate my 23rd Birthday. I was very thankful we had just had a nice visit the weekend before she took her worse turn. But still being one of her namesakes & having a close connection with her saying see ya later til we meet again was the toughest thing I have ever done. Most of us kids in my family hardly remember the last time a close family member pass as we were so little. I felt horrible, how could I celebrate my Birthday when I just lost someone I love dearly? 
My Birthday was okay despite the heartache we all were feeling but it all quickly went as a blur.

Yesterday 4 years ago my Mamaw was a huge part of why I won this camera that helped some orphans. (similar photo, not exactly mine) At Christmas & During my Birthday she would always send a check for myself & one for Reece's Rainbow. Because of her generosity this has been a blessing to my sister & I.

Mamaw, you gave out of love for your granddaughter but you have given me more love than I can ever hope to have.
My mamaw had a heart of Gold, always giving & supporting her families passions. Mine just so happens to be advocating for special needs orphans. She would always ask me what latest thing I was fundraising for/doing. She had been so excited for me to go to Russia 2 yrs ago & I so hope I can still go someday. I truly can't count the times or how much she has helped orphans. 

As hard as this past week has been loosing her, I did not get the chance to really help the family I had been planning to share on my Birthday. I know my Grandma would want me to continue advocating for orphans & so I will continue.
The day of my grandmas funeral I felt an extra ache in my heart when I got a message saying sweet Sasha lost her family.
And then another punch yesterday that Brandi lost her family. I did not know if I could take much more bad news. Her special needs were not originally what was said. A new picture, but a sad one compared to that smiley face girl I first fell in love with.
But then happy news, Valerie had found her family!
Still praying the same will happen for Sasha & Brandi as well as Cutie Clover.
Right after she passed I asked any of my friends to donate to the Wetherington family in her loving memory. They are still short thousands of dollars & one of the children they are adopting has an untreated heart condition. 
 In honor of my grandma do you have $5 to spare, a moment to pray, or time to click that fb share button? If your on fb go check out this auction I'm doing for the Wetherington family,

Thank you for your love, prayers, & support during this time. Helping orphans right now is keeping me at ease & I would love to see more grants growing, kids finding families, & activity on the auction so will you help please?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Leah, I am so sorry about your Mawmaw. I will pray for peace and comfort for you and I'm so thankful that you have so many wonderful memories of this great lady.
