
Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Birthday Wish

They say money can't buy happiness which is true, but sometimes it can bring it to a child with no one to love them. 
The past 4-5 years I have realized even more how less is more. I appreciate thoughtfulness that goes into purchasing that Christmas gift or that Birthday present. I'm not saying I'm against giving or receiving gifts, this is just my point of view I wish to share. 
I have learned sometimes the best gift in life is not wrapped with a fancy bow but is instead the people who surround you with love. Those who overwhelmed you on your 21st Birthday eating Ice Cream & other yummy food showing you love like no other.
It's sitting on a stairway bawling your eyes out reading birthday cards with donation after donation in them knowing God provided big time & realizing how awesome your friends are. Lastly it's following God & saying yes even if it's scary, even if it's tough, even if you think it's Impossible, & even if everyone you know thinks you have gone nuts. I'm learning that love takes sacrifices & it means so much to me. So I'm going out on a limb to ask one question, What would you do to save an orphan?

You might be like I do at times thinking why bother?
Why should I care?
How can I make a difference? All it took was a share of a local fundraiser & then watching videos/seeing pictures that had my stomach in knots to break my heart to shreds.
It was this precious girl whose adoption fundraiser opened my heart.
And from there, it just could not stop me from doing whatever it took to help. I'm going to turn 23 in just 6 days & every year I have made a Birthday wish. Since I found my heart for orphans I have tried to do something special/make a special wish on my Birthday cause to me my Birthday is not about me but what I can do for the least of these. I say this all the time it's not about me but God above is why I do this. For my 19th it was all about one special boy who at the time was still waiting for his family to cross that ocean for him & who shared my Birthday.
You can read about that here,

During my 20th, I was in the middle of running a Giveaway to help a few orphans but still wanted to make a Birthday wish.

And of course my 21st was the one to remember,

My 22nd was a little bit different in regards to helping orphans I was visiting my friends in CA & really could not do as much as I would have liked. 
So what is my wish for my 23rd Birthday? Part of that already has come true with this girl finding her forever family.
Next to that my wish is for others to see what they can do to help orphans. It could be donating to  helping adoptive families bring home their kids like these two I'm helping to fundraise for. You can go make a donation to either family here & here

It could be a simple share on Facebook of a child like Clover that needs a family,
It can be a donation of an item or making something like this one that will be featured in the auction I'm doing,
Truly the possibilities are endless of ways you can help support orphans & adoptive families! All I want for my Birthday is to see others be known & be loved. So what are you going to do to help the least of these?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Leah,

    Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. This is such a heartfelt post and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Your photos are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing.
