
Friday, May 1, 2015

Dear Mom-to-be

Dear Mom-to-be, I know you might be scared. You might worry what others might think. What might this mean for your Child's future?
Honestly I can't say it won't come with it's challenges. But who says life does not come with challenges?

Do we quit just because Life is hard? No, I know I'm no parent but I know that I don't give up so easily even though their are times I feel like giving up.
I want you to know your in my prayers. I have never felt the time more to say this. Down Syndrome is not the end, tis only the Beginning of a beautiful story God is starting to write. 
You might have other children thinking life will be unfair to them by having a sibling with that extra chromosome. I on the other hand beg to differ. 
You might think they can't...
Ride Horses
Be in a Play
Dance in front of everyone
Love going to Disneyland
But I tell you the life that beautiful baby inside of you will bring far outweighs what they may or may not be able to do. So I pray this post might find you before you face that decision & that it will give you hope. 
Because being a sibling to someone with Down syndrome has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.
I hope you choose to travel this challenging yet beautiful road with me because to me Down syndrome is not what makes my sister who she is or even your child who they are, it's what on the inside that counts.
If you wish to chat or have questions about what it means in my life having a sibling who just so happens to have Down syndrome please feel free to leave a comment with your email address for me to contact you. I moderate my comments & will not publish any private information. 
Lastly I leave you with this video taken several years ago of my siblings & I talking about being a sibling to someone who happens to have Down syndrome.
Have hope that your child will do great things!

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