
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

All you need is Love

Over the last few years I have learned more than ever about the word LOVE. I have learned more about how much God loves me for who I am.
Over the years I have gotten to know some awesome kiddos who have never known the love of a family & how much Jesus Loves them unconditionally. 
I have shared their photos here many times before. But it truly takes Prayer & a village of people to help the least of these. LOVE, a strong word that makes people want to take that leap of faith for the least of these. The love Christ has for us & shown me in my life these last few years. I want other orphans to know that same love. Christ died for us because he LOVED US VERY MUCH. He wants everyone to know his love & he wants us to care for the least of these.
Personal friends of ours stepped out to adopt these precious boys. I fell in love with their precious smiles & wanted to do what I could to help. I told her I would take stuff to the consignment sale & any profits I made I would donate to her. I got most of my stuff from her combined with stuff from a few friends & stuff of my own/our family to sell. I posted throughout before, during, & after the sale asking for prayers that I would reach the goals I had set. God smiled & answered several of those prayers I had said within the 2nd day of the sale! It takes so much energy & knowing truly the love I felt from friends saying they were praying for my sales & asking how it was going meant the world to me. 

Right now this boy needs to experience that love before its too late for him. Meet Ben 
Ben is 5, soon to be 6 this summer & YES HE IS SMALL FOR HIS AGE! 
He only weighs about 15 lbs, & that is too small for a soon to be 6 yr old. 
So who is going to take that leap of faith to LOVE Ben by bringing him into their family? You can donate to his grant at the link above.
It's sometimes hard to trust God in his plans but I believe he has this.
I rarely take off these bracelets cause they are good reminders to trust God in everything & keep continuing to pray for Russias forgotten orphans. LOVE IS A POWERFUL THING
It takes alot for someone to step out on Faith that God has their adoption & will provide for their needs. The Brook family adopting Emma Grace have continued to trust God has this. I hope you will join me in prayer for this precious family. Also if you get the chance they have neat bracelets they are selling to help fund their adoption.
I personally got this one cause I love this verse but they have many others so be sure to check it out!

I'm especially loving their other fundraiser they are doing. Who here loves essential oils? I sure do! Who wishes they could just leave their oils on them all day? Well, you should check out the Lava Rock Jewelry here!shop/c20zq
I DON'T KNOW WHERE I WOULD BE WITHOUT CHRISTS LOVE & THE SUPPORT OF MY FRIENDS & FAMILY! All it takes is love whether by prayer, stepping up to adopt, or by helping in other ways for the least of these. IN WHAT WAY CAN YOU SHOW CHRIST LOVE FOR THE LEAST OF THESE TODAY? If you wish to donate to the Brook family adopting Emma Grace you can do so here

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