
Monday, July 4, 2016

A sea of Beauty, Reece's Rainbow Reunion 2016

It was a sea of Beauty, old friends & new friends, from all nations all bonded together in this land called Adoption. All the kids in bright yellow shirts have been adopted through the help of a wonderful organization called Reece's Rainbow.

This sea, I'm greatful for. Every year since I found Reece's Rainbow back in 2010 I had longed to join them in their annual Reunion but it was just the thing I needed when we found out we were moving in 2013  to KY & that the following year the reunion would be just 45 minutes away at Jellystone Mammoth Cave. Throwback to the Reunion in 2014 :)
Adoption while yes it's a messy yet beautiful sea It's one I can't imagine not being apart of. As an advocate & hopeful adoptive momma someday it is very easy to become worn out & discouraged by passionately advocating for a certain child or family & fundraising for them. You sometimes get stuck in a hole, or you fear getting your heart broken when something terrible happens with a child you poured your heart & soul into becomes unavailable due to country closing or illness.
Everytime I think I can't handle anymore I attend the Reunion & it does my soul good. Don't get me wrong I love my friends but their is truly nothing like people who get it. Who I can open up, be myself & who understand my heart for the least of these.
Not too many people my own age get it & I'm glad to have friends of many ages who include me in their sea. 
Us advocates stick together :)

After this weekend, I'm feeling refreshed & recharged. I got to meet many wonderful people, some of which whose adoption stories I had followed along with. And of course I got to hold a few precious babes.
I got to see kids being kids without being judged by their abilities, making friends & just by being themselves. 

I saw Moms get some conversations, love & support
I even got to enjoy game night one evening & fellowship while the kids watched Frozen nearby.
A Beautiful sea of Joy 
Because it does makes a difference, & thankful I was blessed to go once again.
Don't you want to be a part of this beautiful sea?

I sincerely hope that at least 1 person sees this beautiful sea & decides to be apart of it because your life will never be the same.

We even got my sister to go back with us to check out this awesome place called Kentucky Down Under zoo that had all sorts of animals.
They did have a Llama but darn it couldn't be seen but I guess petting & feeding a Kangaroo up close is as good as a Llama.

If you ever get the chance to pet a Kangaroo they are soooooooo soft!
Overall I had a wonderful time at the campground at Jellystone Mammoth Cave once again. It was my 2nd time at the park but my 1st time staying there in the cabins. The staff was wonderful as always & I highly recommend the park to anyone who wishes to visit Mammoth Cave.
Thank you Reece's Rainbow & Andrea Roberts for making this a much needed time for the adoptive families & those advocates like my mom & I a refuel that it is worth it!

Oh wait I can't forget to include the famous Super Lu who represents one of RR staff who lives in the UK. This is my personal favorite I got with Super Lu & an adoptive family.

Tis always an adventure with Super Lu!
A sea of Beauty all around us we just need to look. I can't wait for next years reunion & what sea of beauty it will bring!

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