
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Love conquers all

Last few weeks their have been crazy things going on in this world. Innocent Lives lost whether they were protecting us or they were children sitting in an orphanage waiting for their families.
These 3 children passed away all alone & with no family to call their own. 2 of these children had families who were racing to come get them.
Because these kids were not some picture on a computer screen, they were real.
In this world THOUSANDS OF ORPHANS DIE everyday due to Neglect, Lack of nutrition, or because they can't get the medical care they desperately need in their own country.

Yet, no matter how much darkness their is LOVE CONQUERS ALL. 5 yrs ago the first child I blogged & advocated for, Quinton left the gates of his orphanage forever.
The once dark expression little boy who I so desperately wanted him to find a family,
Who I never thought I would get a chance to meet
God is so good!
And speaking of LOVE my friend Julia I met 2 yrs ago at the Reunion is helping some orphans by hosting a Giveaway. I Mean who would not want to win a CRUISE TRIP or many other awesome prizes?

On the days when your doubtful, when you think your heart can't handle anymore pain or sorrow, when the walls of darkness seem to be surrounding you with no hope, no joy, & fears of tomorrow.
Because Love conquers all things! Tis just the be continued

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