
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Love Conquers All...There once was a Boy

There once was a Lost Boy, One without a family to call his own. Little did he know the tiny ripples he would have in this world & how much his story impacted my advocating for orphans. 

Back around 2010, I read a blog about a journey to this lost boy. I read, cried, & my heart broke for the ones they had to leave behind. 
I read posts like this one & this 

And that along with some horrific videos I watched I knew I would never be the same & could not turn my back on these lost ones. 

I never thought I would be meeting this same boy but two years ago at the Reece's Rainbow Reunion I finally got to meet him & his mom, both who inspired me into this passion of mine.

This Boy continues to amaze me, he was at the Reunion this year. 
As awesome as it is to see him doing so well their are others who are still waiting for their forever families to come get them.
Like these 4,
They thankfully have a family coming for them but what about Otto? To Learn more about Otto,
Want to help them come home to their forever families? My friend is doing this Giveaway for them with some awesome prizes!
You can check it out here

Let's Make this happen for these lost children! Every $5, every share, every prayer said IT MATTERS & MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!!

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